Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Busy January

I was sort of surprised to look down at my watch and see that it's the 31st already. But with research in the morning, play rehearsal 3 times a week in the evening, and various TA related stuff to do sprinkled in between, time does fly by quickly.

What's this play rehearsal you say? Well, my friend Jason had written up a monologue of 20+ characters based on (ficticious) characters who died in the September 11th attacks, and the play basically explores the attacks from various points of view. Jason asked me if I could help him be an assistant director for his play, and I figured it'll give me something else to think about during the day outside of research, so I took the role. And so far, I've been enjoying going through the past 2 weeks of practice with the actors and actresses reading through their monologues. Jason has done a good job with the casting of each character, so there wasn't much hand-holding involved to explain how each character should be portrayed. Since he wrote the play, I let Jason be the bigger critic while I supplement my thoughts here and there whenever appropriate, and so far all the actors and actresses have responded very well. Hopefully this'll lead up to a great performance when March rolls around!

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