Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Monday Blues

Mondays are pretty uneventful, and today was no exception, except for maybe the wrecking crew that was going through our parking lot today. The parking lot in my office has to be one of the WORST maintained lots I have ever scene. There are literally tens of hundreds of potholes that greet your car when you drive off the road onto the lot, and numerous cracks lining the lot itself like tempered shattered glass. The maintenance crew have done a half-assed job in the past attemping to fill in the holes, and you can bet after a day or so, the holes will return. Now, the maintenance crew finally decided to bring in some heavy equipment and almost rebuild everything from scratch, staring with the lot itself. So it was quite noisy outside my office today as the bulldozers and such ripped up the lot, and a new layer of asphalt was put over. Now the lot kinda looks like it has black bandaids all over it from the new asphalt. I'm hoping they tackle the driveway leading to the lot very soon.

Now I also came out of the office a bit later than usual today because I had to get some code from one of my old officemates to work on. Programmers have complained about code not being easy to go cross-platform, and today I felt their pain as I attempted to execute some C++ code that was written on a x86 machine running Linix on my iBook running Mac OS X, which is based on Unix. The terminal screen lit up with errors galore, prompting me to go back and recompile the numberous .cpp files, which greeted me with more errors -.- Looks like tomorrow will be debug day. On top of that, since I came out of the office a bit late, like around 6:55 pm or so, the bus service had stopped running, which prompted me to walk 30 minutes back to my apartment -.-

However, the day ended on a good note as Kabitzin, Ender, me, and a couple of other friends finally were able to get together on FFXI and go off on a good leveling run. We hit some bumps on the way: one friend ran into a cactaur, which looks like a cute cactus will arms and lets, but do not be fooled! It has one spiny attack that can bring even some high level characters to their knees, and our party suffered under its wrath (the cactaur also got some help from the local scorpion that also happened to be standing there -.-). Despite that, our group managed to gather some very good experience taking down some crabs, and my warrior is half way through to level 53. So the day ended on a high note ^.^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shop online today. Forget driving to the mall when you can just click the mouse and order from your favorite store. No traffic to deal with